De Laveaga Elementary School – Santa Cruz, CA

Roof replacement on the main building is complete. Six new mechanical units will be installed on the main building in November and December 2004. Six portable classrooms were installed on campus and are occupied. The Food Service office was moved to one of the portables to make room for classroom space inside the main building.

Scheduled for 2005 – With the six new mechanical units installed on the main building, some replacement and reconstruction of the HV duct systems will be made over the summer. Three exterior stairways will be replaced. Some of the existing site sidewalks will be replaced for safety considerations.

Project Details



Santa Cruz City Schools
405 Old San Jose Road
Soquel, CA 95073



339 Bradford Street
Redwood City, CA 94063



Beverly Prior Architects
375 Fremont Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94105