Site work included the repair and replacement of damaged concrete sidewalks and the installation of asphalt overlay on the playground area. The play courts received new striping. Existing exterior light fixtures were replaced to improve site lighting. A new trash enclosure was constructed to conceal the trash dumpsters and to remove a potential fire hazard near the stage. Areas in the playfield and lawn where water ponds were corrected and new area drains were installed.
Renovation of the existing buildings included repainting of the exterior of the main building and the annex. New seismic connections between the roof structure and the exterior walls may be required following a structural study. Insulation was installed in the attic of the main building. Plastic glazing used at many of the exterior windows were replaced with glass. Door hardware throughout the campus was replaced to improve security and comply with disabled access requirements. Floor, wall and ceiling finishes in the classrooms and corridors were replaced or upgraded. New whiteboards were installed in all classrooms, including portable classrooms. The main entrance lobby and administration area were remodeled, including replacement of the entrance doors. The exterior walkway along the Annex Building was modified to improve security.
Plumbing fixtures in the student toilet rooms were replaced. A new mechanical heating/ventilating system replaced the existing system, including a new boiler, piping and unit ventilators in the classrooms. A new single main electrical service replaced the three current electrical services. Additional outlets were added and provisions for additional data wiring were installed in the main building. New fire alarm, security, phone, data, and clock/bell systems replaced existing systems. An energy management system was installed.
All modernization work that is visible, at both the interior and exterior of the main building and the annex is intended to be consistent with the historic mission style of the existing building.